The Redwine Model is…

Crowd-source enhanced alternative predictive analysis intended to assist in achieving Justice for 14-year-old Dylan Redwine, who disappeared on November 19, 2012 from La Plata County, CO.

This analytic effort is not affiliated with Law Enforcement, however information sharing is key and ongoing.  TRM-COVOR-DR is working in support of–and with the approval of–the official Find Missing Dylan Redwine and Justice for Dylan Redwine efforts, and is not profiting in any way.  TRM-COVOR analysts are sharing our analytic expertise and experience gained from careers as Intelligence professionals primarily tasked with issues of global reach, in order to bring closure for Dylan’s family and friends.

This collective analytic effort operationalizes and fuses various analytic frameworks so as to generate a predictive model that will mitigate cognitive bias, frivolous speculation, and ultimately deliver comprehensive quantifiable OSINT products consisting of coherent, transparent, and rigorously documented analytic judgments to investigators.  Federal, state and local government agencies unfortunately cannot feasibly fund this type of “out of the box” analytic product at the domestic level due to their inherent limitations and lack of resources.

Officers who are part of the multi-agency Dylan Redwine taskforce are encouraged to provide as much assistance as is feasible without risking future prosecutions.  All analysts involved have been cleared and trained so as not to harm or hinder the official investigation and future court proceedings.  TRM-COVOR has already contributed real actionable intelligence bolstered by complicity, and will continue to do so until the case is closed.   We wish to be as transparent as possible, but requests for information will be put through approval processes, content will be moderated and posts screened.


Welcome you to the Redwine Model, a Collective and Objective Voice of Reason for Dylan Redwine (COVOR).  My name is Craig Byrnes and I am an Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) Analyst & Intelligence Community (IC) Public Affairs Liaison at The Intelligence Community, LLC.  I have earned a Bachelor of Science in International Relations from the University of Houston where I also minored in International Business and Print Journalism.  During my time in the journalism field I had the unique opportunity to meet and interview President George W. Bush and former Defense Secretary Robert Gates during the lead up to the Iraq war.  Since then my studies have focused on predictive analytics in the areas of nuclear counter-terrorism, criminal intelligence analysis and foreign policy analysis.

Currently, I have completed the coursework for a Master of Arts in Intelligence Studies on the Deans List at American Military University (AMU), and am in the process of completing my Masters Capstone in Strategic Intelligence.  I am a contributing member of the Academy of Political Science, member of the National Military Intelligence Association (NMIA), member of the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ), contributing member of Committee of Concerned Journalists (CCJ), a member in good standing of the National Writers Union (NWU), and am an International Golden Key Scholar.

Overall, TRM-COVOR-DR is an opportunity at structured alternative thinking.  Situational awareness and an open-mind willing to force objective thinking are key to bring justice for Dylan Redwine.  Purposefully thinking intelligently, courteously and without preconceived “ideas” allows for an altogether diverse perspective resulting in all-encompassing investigative outcomes.

If you would like to contribute knowledge, skills, or legwork to TRM-COVOR operations contact and join the COVOR-DR Facebook page and let us know what you can do. . . will not tolerate character assault, defamation, slander, or libel.  Final products will not be posted online in their entirety prior to review by FBI, and/or Dylan’s family.     


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